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Apple Pay is boosting revenue worldwide, but online stores are missing out

Since Apple Pay arrived in Europe in 2016, physical stores have adopted the payment method in droves. Curiously, it took a while before online stores followed suit. Even today, Apple Pay is not widespread online, resulting in potential loss of turnover.

Worldwide, over 441 million people use Apple devices to pay for their goods. So there are few good arguments for not implementing it into any online store. That is why Clearhaus - as one of the few acquirers in Europe already back in 2018 - decided to make it possible for online businesses to offer Apple Pay.

“After a very long and nervous runup, we are now starting to see an increase in the number of online businesses offering Apple Pay because they have discovered the added value and boost of revenue. Apple Pay has simply become a no-brainer for any online business that wants to offer their customers a secure, smooth and superior payment option,” says Claus Christensen, CEO of Clearhaus.

By combining biometric identification with fingerprints or FaceID and encryption, Apple Pay provides one of the most secure and seamless checkouts on the market. Due to its encryption, it is more secure than paying by card and it is a great way for online stores to provide a cheap, fast and secure checkout flow. Let’s take an example:

One example of an online store embracing Apple Pay is the popular Danish online store Molly & My. Molly & My sells fashion clothes for women and children and when it comes to Apple Pay, the company’s IT Manager, Jakob Sejrup Rasmussen, expresses himself crystal clear:

“We’re shooting ourselves in the foot if we do not offer Apple Pay,” he says, lining up his arguments:

“The first argument is demand. We find that many of our customers use Apple Pay, so of course we have to support that. In addition, it is cheap and worth all the money. Next, there is security. Mobile payments are simply more secure than cards, and as an online store we need to increase security as much as possible. If we don’t do that, customers will become insecure when shopping with us,” says Jakob Sejrup Rasmussen.

In addition to price, security and smoothness, Apple Pay also has a branding advantage. That’s extremely important for companies like Nøie, a Scandinaivan high tech skin care company which also offers Apple Pay to its customers:

“For us, Apple Pay radiates a high-tech brand and image. This means that when we offer Apple Pay, we are perceived as a company that is ahead of the game. That is an advantage when appealing to our customer segment, who are mostly young and tech savvy,” says Simon Quist Thomasen, COO at Nøie.

On Nøie’s website, customers save up to nine clicks if they use Apple Pay, so the implementation was an easy decision and the company has offered Apple Pay since it was founded in 2019.

“A really large proportion of our users shop on mobile, and therefore it should be as easy as possible for them to complete a purchase. We simply have to lay out all the possibilities. It was also extremely easy for us to set up. It was just a matter of pressing a button at our gateway,” says Simon Quist Thomasen.

A growth company, Nøie prioritises a form of payment that promises international scalability. In that regard, it is a clear advantage that Apple Pay is available in 50+ countries.

“Apple Pay scales internationally. And with our explosive growth in international markets, we need to have a payment system that does not care about borders. That’s important when keeping up with a high demand,” concludes Simon Thomasen.

In conclusion, both Nøie and Molly & My argue that Apple Pay provides their online business with a payment solution that excels in the following: Speed, security, a cheap price, great branding, international scalability and greater additional sales.

Is it time for your webshop to offer Apple Pay? If so, your online store needs a payment gateway and an acquirer that supports the payment method.

Clearhaus offers Apple Pay in collaboration with our gateway partners QuickPay, PensoPay, Reepay, and Paylike. If one of these is your gateway, you can start accepting payments with Apple Pay right away.

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